Our Summer Darjeeling yields from the world renown Rohini Estate in the Kurseong valley of Darjeeling. Rohini Estate being the youngest tea estate in the Darjeeling area produces some of the best tea internationally. Darjeeling India has a colorful history starting in the 1800s. Due to the opium wars and an overwhelming trade deficit, the British owned, East India Trading Company wanted to relieve Britain's dependency on tea which mostly grown in China at the time. The East India Trading Company hired Scottish botanist, Robert Fortune, to go undercover and steal Chinese tea plants to bring to British controlled India. Fortune managed to introduce 20,000 tea plants to the Darjeeling area of India. Due to the massive difference in climate, most of the tea planted in Darjeeling withered away and died. Fortunately, Fortune also managed to illegally bring over Chinese tea workers who were crucial in the future success of the Indian tea industry. Now, India is recognized for their tea cultivation, and the Darjeeling area teas are known as the "Champagne of Teas." Our Rohini Estate Summer flush tea features an amber coloration, full-bodied, and lightly sweet muscatel flavor.
Ingredients: Black Tea
Origin: India
Steep Time: 3 Minutes
Temperature: 212°