Loose Leaf Tea

Loose Leaf Tea
Organic Goji Berry Green
Get the delicious taste of goji berries and green tea with our Goji Berry Green Tea. A blend of dried red goji, green tea, and fruits provides a delicious boost of antioxidants that play a key role in a healthy lifestyle. All organic ingredients. Product Specifications Ingredients: All organic ingredients. Green tea, Carrot, Orange peel, Hibi...
Get the delicious taste of goji berries and green tea with our Goji Berry Green Tea. A blend of dried red goji, green tea, and fruits provides a de...
$10.41 $13.38
Perfect either hot or iced, this tea derives from the mountainous area of Kenya. Purple tea is a relatively recent type of tea exclusive to this African region. Due to the harsh environment and the unforgiving sun, purple tea is high in a powerful antioxidant known as anthocyanins commonly found in fruits like blueberries and raspberries. Purple...
Perfect either hot or iced, this tea derives from the mountainous area of Kenya. Purple tea is a relatively recent type of tea exclusive to this Af...
$11.73 $23.46
Our premium genmaicha is dusted with Matcha and roasted brown rice. This Japanese tea is known for a brilliant nutty flavor. Product Specifications Ingredients: Green Tea and Roasted Brown Rice. Origin: USA Steep Time: 3 Minutes Temperature: 160 -170
Our premium genmaicha is dusted with Matcha and roasted brown rice. This Japanese tea is known for a brilliant nutty flavor. Product Specificati...
$10.19 $20.38
White tea has the least amount of processing but is one of the most intricate with such a small margin for error. This delicate white tea is accompanied with safflowers and champagne and raspberry flavors. White tea, safflowers with champagne flavor and red raspberry flavors. Steep Time: 3min Water Temp: 160-170 Country of Origin: China
White tea has the least amount of processing but is one of the most intricate with such a small margin for error. This delicate white tea is accomp...
$11.73 $23.46
A Bai Mu Dan white tea blended beautifully with orange peal, apple bits, hibiscus, roses, marigold petals and some natural flavorings. A bright and sweet aroma accompanied with a smooth taste reminiscent of a traditional mimosa. Ingredients: Orange peel, apple pieces, bai mu dan, peaches, pomegranate pieces, hibiscus, roses, marigold petals with...
A Bai Mu Dan white tea blended beautifully with orange peal, apple bits, hibiscus, roses, marigold petals and some natural flavorings. A bright and...
$10.63 $21.26

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